Matheos Simou Matheos Simou

Why Recruitment Brand?

A brand is what a customer should get before, during, and after a transaction, but yet rarely does. The brand behind a person or an agency is an emotional takeaway that leads to one of the most important aspects of connecting and maintaining a community. That goes for most companies, not just recruitment agencies.

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Matheos Simou Matheos Simou

Design Strategy - Part 2

Good ideas fail because of the poorly design process. Usually, communication between the designer and brand doesn't work out. Here is a look at how OBC sets out the design process to make your brand look a 1000 times better than competitors effortless.

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Matheos Simou Matheos Simou


Our top tip for recruitment job adverts through words and visuals

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Matheos Simou Matheos Simou

Three steps to create a successful brand

If you’ve ever wanted to know what ‘brand identity’ means for your business and how it will drive sales and profit, then take a look at my latest article on the three steps to create a successful brand. As always, I’d love to hear your thoughts.

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